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Thursday, April 10, 2008

American Idol Gives Back With Shout To The Lord

So many families enjoy the real life drama of the American Idol phenomenon. Its popularity is huge. Families schedule their evenings around the Tues. and Wed. night airings on Fox and love the suspense of a live performance. For some seeing what Simon will say is almost as entertaining as the musical performance itself. "American Idol Gives Back 2008" is a powerful vehicle that will fund many causes.

The show closed with "Shout to the Lord", a wonderful song, an awesome performance, BUT the song is all about worshiping Jesus Christ.
Where did the name of Jesus Go?
Who made the decision to take Jesus Christ out of His own worship song? Deception is subtle: This song was clearly aimed at the Christian demographic as a ploy to get Christians to give $ to fund many causes but not in the name of Jesus Christ. Fox network wants our Christian money, but not our Savior.
Another note worthy mention is all the comments on the social networking sites about the airing of "shout to the Lord" and how wonderful it is that the American Idol franchise supports the Christian demographic. Wake up: They clearly denied the name of Jesus Christ. Many luke warm Christians probably gave to Idol and gave nothing to the ministries that have been around for years well before Hollywood began going to Africa for "feel good" video clips. Be careful during these days.

2 Timothy 3:5 NIV
Godlessness in the Last Days
having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

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