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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Great Courage – Great Comfort

Footsteps of Faith Messenger - Issue 212

Great Courage – Great Comfort
Acts 16:30-31
Matthew 28:18-20

Tim Darnell

If your goal is always ‘comfort’, you’ll not find much need for courage in your life. If your focus is constantly on “what are we going to grill tonight”, or “what are we going to watch on television”, then courage is not something that will be required. Surprisingly, comfort is not a bad concept, it’s just that we search for comfort in the wrong places, the grill and television (metaphors for creature comforts), as examples, will never give any of us any kind of real or lasting comfort.

If you have a calling to proclaim and spread the gospel message, which, by the way is the common privilege and responsibility for all believers in Christ, then you’ll need to know about, and know how to get, courage. Comfort will come, but it won’t be the comfort we commonly seek, like nestling in the Lazy Boy, or lounging by the pool.

Courage is quite the rare commodity among believers today. But the problem is that God won’t use those of us who don’t have it. Courage is not the absence of fear. Rather, courage is asking God what He would have us to do, responding appropriately to that calling, and moving forward boldly to accomplish that calling. Fear will likely be part of that process. Yes, we can count on that fact. Grilling and television, or a thousand other activities, are not bad in and of themselves, but they often mask and distract us from God’s true calling for our lives. We too often schedule meaningless activities, rather than ordained, meaningful ones. Anything that stands in the way of understanding and responding to God’s call in your life is something that needs to be removed, and now.

The resurrected Lord Jesus made clear to Ananias the game rules that the newly converted apostle Paul would be observing right off the bat. He gives Ananias the order to go meet Saul, later named, Paul. Jesus said, “Go! This man (the apostle Paul) is my chosen instrument to carry My name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for My name.” Acts 9:15b-16 How’s that for initial marching orders? Not, ‘if’ he’s going to suffer, but rather, ‘how much’ Paul is going to suffer, indicating a significant amount rather than a small amount.

Courage is not necessary until suffering is imminent. Courage is not necessary until attacks loom on the horizon. Courage will rarely be needed if you’re not fulfilling your genuine calling. If you don’t stand for Christ, courage will rarely be needed at all. But if you are going to be a genuine follower of Christ, and not just a Christian in name only – a nominal Christian, then Christ’s gift of courage to you will be a solid requirement for you to have.

Courage is needed for your:

* Going,


* Bold Witness

The mission we are to accomplish: “…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20a – requires going and being a bold witness. It requires speaking with conviction and assuredness – with courage!

Paul responded to the directions of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He went and he spoke boldly. He often kept his message simple: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household”, for example. Acts 16: 30b-31

In the “going”, he endured all kinds of persecution, assaults, attacks, accusations, mocking, and hardships because he heard, heeded, and responded to Jesus command in his life. Courage was required, and, ironically, as Paul undertook his mission and journey, he also found great comfort. Here’s the lesson about courage and comfort we should be looking for. It is the courage and comfort that we receive when we know – I mean really KNOW that Jesus has promised to be with us and that He indeed will be with us. Man-made courage isn’t enough. It’s only the courage that comes from the supernatural strength and resolve infused in us by the Holy Spirit that will sustain us in all circumstances.

Jesus made sure we understood that. The closing words of the gospel of Matthew are: “And surely I am with you to the very end of the age.” Matthew 18:20b SURELY, He is with us! In that single sentence, you and I can and should gain great courage, and at the same time, we can and should be greatly comforted by this ultimately important promise.

My grill is hot and cold. It’s worn out and weathered. I don’t get any lasting comfort out of television. It’s either off or on, and is the easiest, most passive, and totally non-productive choice of activities in my life. Somewhat amusing sometimes, life is full of no-brainer activities that require zero courage. Activities that require no courage will be the least remembered and least significant times of our lives. Let us keep those activities to a minimum, and know that you and I were created for a higher calling than merely watching paint dry.

We’ll find the need for sustained courage and the soothing comfort of the Holy Spirit when we go and boldly proclaim the most important message – the Good News of Jesus Christ. Fulfilling our mission and calling is both memorable and meaningful. It’s why you were born. You don’t have to be a pastor or professional clergy in order to accomplish your calling. The Gospel message should simply be who you are day in and day out. It revolves around accepting and knowing Jesus Christ in a real and personal manner and not being ashamed to let others know it.

Find the calling that requires more than passive, no-brainer activity. Find the activities wherein fear may be involved, and gravitate toward those activities rather than away. Great courage and great comfort are available to you in great measure – both will be yours in boldly responding to the call of Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Lord, let us be bold. Let us not be ashamed. Let us recognize You in all that we do, and give us courage. Our comfort rests in You, Lord Jesus. Amen.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Only the Humble Need Apply

(Identifying Your Target Market)

Matthew 9:10-13
Romans 3:23-24

Tim Darnell

While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and “sinners” came and ate with Him and His disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked His disciples, ‘Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and “sinners”?

On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means. I desire mercy, not sacrifice. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Matthew 9:10-13

To be successful in business, you need to accurately identify your target market. If you are sending advertising messages and marketing materials to the wrong people, you will find you have wasted valuable time, energy, and marketing dollars. Each business, service, and product matches-up appropriately with certain people; but it doesn't match all people. In fact, if you mistakenly sell a product or service to the wrong person, someone who is not genuinely a match, then that mistake will turn into issues and complications you don’t need in your life.

Your product should match the right person with the right need, and therefore, the calls you make should be to what we refer to in business as, your specific “target demographic” or your “target market.” If I were to be hired as a marketing consultant for your business, one of the first things we would do is sit down and accurately clarify who your target market is in order to figure out exactly who the likely customers for your product or service would be - what they look like, where they live, where they congregate, the best age group, when do they buy, and as many identifying factors as we could possibly define. We don’t want to waste time, so we want to know with accuracy who your best, genuine target market really is.

Once identified, those are the people on whom we would call. Those are the people to whom we would go. Those are the people to whom we would send our well-thought-out, concise message.

My business is no different. We have people who are genuine candidates and we clearly have many who are not. We offer ongoing, Biblically based mentoring and training for business people and entrepreneurs. We found out quickly that one of the defining traits of genuine client candidates for our service was the intangible quality of “humility.” On the other hand, someone who knows it all and doesn’t recognize the need for counsel, advice, and modeling from qualified people who have achieved what it is they want to achieve – well, they’re just not good candidates. We’ve come across many, many people that don't possess humility, but rather are filled with arrogance and pride. Those two characteristics don’t match-up with our company’s target demographic.

Jesus ran across the same type of arrogance and pride throughout His ministry. The Pharisees were “know-it-all’s”, people of power and positioning in the community and synagogue. Accordingly, they didn’t need some young teacher coming into their territory teaching them or telling them what to do. They certainly didn’t need someone pointing out their faults and what they were doing wrong. But Jesus didn’t come for them. He would have called on them if they would humbly have accepted His authority and listened to His words. But no, they had developed a hardness of heart, eyes that refused to see, and ears that didn't want to hear.

Only the humble recognize the need for teaching. Only a person of humility is willing to deal openly with the problem areas of their lives, and repent of their sin and mistakes. Only the humble need apply.

Jesus Christ knew His target market. He came for the sick and those in need of healing. He came for the thief on the cross, who at the very last moment humbly proclaimed Jesus as his Lord and Savior. The thief was guilty and knew it. In his guilt and shame, he recognized his overwhelming need for Jesus.

If you are in business or in sales, you aren’t going to sell anything to anybody who doesn’t recognize their genuine need or desire for what it is you are selling. We haven’t sold our mentoring service to those who are “know-it-all’s” or who defensively protect, and are comfortable with, their current state of thinking – the sign of an arrogant, prideful mindset. Our company and product has that in common with Jesus’ ministry. People have to be open to changing their minds before “Mindset MentoringSM” means anything to them. And people have to have open hearts in order to see their need for Jesus Christ taking the place of King of their life.

Jesus knew on whom He was calling. He was calling the sick, tax collectors, thieves, outcasts, and sinners. He knew what He offered – healing, restoration, and genuine freedom. And He knew on whom He was to call to be the recipient of His unique, miraculous service. Most of the world could not, and never has, been able to understand that the King has come for those in need, but that was and is exactly God’s incredible mission for His Son.

I’ve often stated (and have built our mentoring company around) the fact that “the Bible and Jesus Christ provide the greatest training anybody could ever experience or desire. Everything else is just man’s reasoning – ‘fine sounding arguments’ and formulas. The public at large falls for lesser training all the time – often glitzy, but mere puff. Powerful training and advice needs to – no, MUST be grounded in true power – that being the Word of God and the person of Jesus Christ. But only the humble need apply. God’s Word is not for those who know it all. God’s Word is not for those who hold their own words as higher than the Master's. His Word will not be received by the arrogant or the proudly positioned. It’s not for those who think answers lie in popular, secular television shows; nor is it for those who refuse to recognize a genuine personal need for healing, restoration, renewal, and salvation.

The sick are the ones who need a doctor. You and I are the ones who need the Savior. “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that comes by Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:23-24 Let us be the ones who recognize that great need in our lives, and let us assuredly be the ones who heed Jesus’ call to us personally. We are the ones to whom He calls and comes – praise God!

In business, be savvy about and identify your target market. Also, you should also know that you have been in Jesus’ target ‘market’ for a long time. In fact, you have been on His short list since you were born. But only the humble need apply. If you are humble enough to respond to His call, the value that He is willing to give you is the greatest service you will ever be offered and experience in your entire lifetime.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The 5 Things We Can Learn From Barack Obama for Net-work Mark.eting Success

by Doug Firebaugh

Out of nowhere this hurricane came and blew everyone else out of the water. Quietly. Silently. Deadly. And I may not agree with a lot of his politics, but I have to applaud him for some amazing marketing. I stand in awe of what he and his team did in order to get his message out.

There are 5 things that I have discovered that Barack did that I believe will stand as potentially marketing genius. He did a wonderful job on the marketing of his campaign. Yes, there was the Reverend Wright debacle, but everyone gets a mulligan.

What can we learn from Team Obama about Mark-eting and Home Bus-iness Success?

1) Stay on Message.

Barack never veered. He was straight on message 98% of the time. BELIEVE was his message and he hammered that home with little exception. He was talking about one thing:

Change you can believe in.

THAT is a perfect message for today's net-work mar.keting entrepreneur. People today are looking for change that they can believe in- in their finances, work, life, and destiny. Barack shot straight on this message and hit a home run.

Stay on message. And YOU will hit a home run like he did.

2) Work the Network that is in front of you.

Everywhere he went, Barack worked the network of people in front of him. He shook hands and introduced himself and then he made them feel SPECIAL. He looked into their eyes. He asked questions and made it about their concerns and their life.


He worked the network everywhere he went and did not stop. He CONNECTED with everyone because he wanted to connect with people, not just shake their hand. There is a saying, "Wherever you are- BE THERE!" Barack practiced that rule daily.

Work the network in front of you. They are there. They are waiting. Grab a hand and introduce yourself and make them feel special.

3) Follow up with what you spoke up.

Barack's follow up with people, promises, and must do's was awesome. Day after day I read where his team followed up with the ordinary people he met, and with phone calls, and letters. He sent flowers to people. He sent books. He sent cards that said, "Thank you."

He said there was going to be a CHANGE. He acted upon it and delivered in his campaign. What would happen in your business if YOU acted upon your people you met, promises you made and the must do's that are waiting- NOW- not tomorrow?

It would transform your business overnight.

4) Don't Sell Yourself- sell the person on their Possibilities.

I watched Barack with my head shaking as he did NOT sell himself to people- he sold the person on THEMSELVES- and their potential with a message of Change.


He sold every person he talked to on his message, by selling the person on the possibilities within themselves. He did it on the radio. He did it on TV. He did on the internet. He did it face to face. And people believed in themselves more after he spoke then they did before he spoke.

THAT is a Netw-ork Mark.eting Secret that will stand for ages. Are you practicing it? Get people to believe in themselves and what is possible - MORE - than they believed before your conversation started.

Put your ego aside and focus on the prospect.

5) He engaged flawlessly Politics 2.0 on the internet. So should you.

Barack hit the internet unlike any other politician to date. He used all the web 2.0 tools and strategies. Blogs. Widgets. Ims. Facebook. Twitter. Myspace. Friendster. Digg. Ipods. networking. Social networking. And the list goes on and on.

Are you using these in your business? If not, take a page from Barack Obama's playbook and START. It may take you a while to an the power of the internet and the new web 2.0- but it DOES WORK. And it works HUGE!

Just ask Barack. Just ask Hill. She was a victim of it.

These are the 5 things that we can learn from Barack for netw-ork mar-keting success. Are their other lessons? Yes. And we will be covering those as well in future lesson for your M-L.M and Net-work mar-keting bus-iness success.

(c) 2008/ all rights reserved

Friday, May 16, 2008

Called to Freedom, Dani Johnson

Dani Johnson seek to equip so-called ordinary men and women into being extraordinarily successful, as described in her new book, Spirit-Driven Success. The program focuses on helping God’s people get out of debt and achieve financial freedom. Beyond that, their goal is to encourage these successful people to plant “ridiculous amounts” (using Dani’s phrase) into the work of the Gospel. Discover the secret to their success and get challenged to reach new levels of financial freedom for yourself. Don’t miss this unforgettable broadcast!

Friday, April 11, 2008

UPDATED Shout to the Lord: American Idol 10 April 2008

What is going on? First American Idol ends a show with the praise song "Shout To The Lord" and caught every one off guard then American Idol starts up the very next show with the corrected version of "Shout To The Lord". WOW, I never would have guessed that was going to happen.

The remaining top eight contestants commanded a stellar performance. Why the do over, why the change? Even though the difference was only one name it was the name above all names and made all the difference in the world. It was wonderful to see and hear. Twice the praise.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

American Idol Gives Back With Shout To The Lord

So many families enjoy the real life drama of the American Idol phenomenon. Its popularity is huge. Families schedule their evenings around the Tues. and Wed. night airings on Fox and love the suspense of a live performance. For some seeing what Simon will say is almost as entertaining as the musical performance itself. "American Idol Gives Back 2008" is a powerful vehicle that will fund many causes.

The show closed with "Shout to the Lord", a wonderful song, an awesome performance, BUT the song is all about worshiping Jesus Christ.
Where did the name of Jesus Go?
Who made the decision to take Jesus Christ out of His own worship song? Deception is subtle: This song was clearly aimed at the Christian demographic as a ploy to get Christians to give $ to fund many causes but not in the name of Jesus Christ. Fox network wants our Christian money, but not our Savior.
Another note worthy mention is all the comments on the social networking sites about the airing of "shout to the Lord" and how wonderful it is that the American Idol franchise supports the Christian demographic. Wake up: They clearly denied the name of Jesus Christ. Many luke warm Christians probably gave to Idol and gave nothing to the ministries that have been around for years well before Hollywood began going to Africa for "feel good" video clips. Be careful during these days.

2 Timothy 3:5 NIV
Godlessness in the Last Days
having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed

There is a movement on the horizon that has the potential to change the educational system in America and influence you, your kids and the masses. For decades now, Neo-Darwinism has maintained a stranglehold within public education, suppressing all other theories on the origins of life - especially those that hint of a "designer".

Oxford professor Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary biologist and author of "The God Delusion" states, "Certainly I see the scientific view of the world as incompatible with religion." The students are being bombarded with such propaganda throughout their education; despite the fact that MOST Americans do NOT believe we're the result of "random chance".

Ben Stein, in the new film EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed, is heroic and at times, his shocking journey confronts the world’s top scientists, educators and philosophers, regarding the persecution of the many by an elite few. This movie is coming to a theater near you on April 18, 2008.
Ben travels the world on his quest, and learns an awe-inspiring truth…that bewilders him, then angers him…and then spurs him to action!

To Visit the Expelled Movie Website Goto

Ben Stein realizes that he has been “Expelled,” and that educators and scientists are being ridiculed, denied tenure and even fired – for the “crime” of merely believing that there might be evidence of “design” in nature, and that perhaps life is not just the result of accidental, random chance.To which Ben Says: "Enough!" And then gets busy. NOBODY messes with Ben.