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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Christ’s Five Success Scriptures

What was Jesus’ secret? He succeeded in everything he did. He was the original networker. Look at scripture to find amazing strategies that will help you in everything you do. Christ had certain tactics he utilized in the super & the natural.

Christ’s Five Success Scriptures

We can learn for networking, creating organizations, talking to people.
Christ sets the bar in integrity, honesty, spirituality, what we should do.
Only one way to achieve ‘best success’ – through power & glory of Christ.

1. John 1:36-37 Jesus asked disciples following him “What do you want?” Asking in spiritual/supernatural way, He already knew what they wanted & where they were.

• He was always starting conversations that pulled people in. Focuses on what they want, not what you want.

Any kind of question that focuses on their interests will pull people in. The more interested you are in people, the more they’ll be interested in you. Engage the person’s mind and imagination. Ask Christ to help you. Emulate what Jesus did, study the scriptures, take it into your business.

Jesus was interested in how he could help/transform people. We must be willing to engage in conversation but turn it into transformational time, something that transforms people’s lives. Jesus was all about teaching people Kingdom principles.

• Jesus was always on-message 100%. Must connect to Holy Spirit to stay on-message & not distracted.
• Be aware of who’s around you. Scan the room to see who you could connect with, create a conversation that pulls them in. Create magnetism about your conversation, ask the Lord to put His words in your mouth, prayer over every appointment, every phone call. He’ll compel you to talk to the right person.

It’s time we move God’s realm more into the marketplace, be proud to be Christian networkers.

2. John 1:38-39 Disciples followed Him to where He was staying & spent the day with Him.

• Jesus was willing to open up to new people & find out how He could help them. Knew how to network & understood that’s what He should do to plant more seeds.

We have a powerful message with AC that must get out to the masses, the power of relationship with Jesus.

Take the lead in conversation and have a ‘host’ mentality, take control, engage with questions, welcome people in, introduce people to each other. Most people are too fearful to do that. Jesus always directed the conversation.

God wants you to become hugely successful with your business, we must let Him be God. He cares about every detail.

3. John 1: 41-42

First thing Andrew did was go to his brother & said “We’ve found the Messiah!”

Jesus created massive impact with people because of His spiritual glory, radiated the Father.

If you want new reps to go immediately & talk to people, you must create impact.

When you operate your business in the glory of God, then that becomes your compass, the Spirit goes before you.

Jesus radiated such impact that people started talking about Him, wanted to introduce people to Him. People brought their loved ones to Him & the power of the same Spirit is within us.

Concept of ‘automatic networking’ – impact that we carry with H.S. with us, people will automatically think of who they can introduce to you.

If it’s not happening, ask the Lord to build that power within you.

If you touch people’s emotions, hope, & destiny, they’ll bring their friends.

Jesus gave Simon a new name, Peter, the Rock. Christ spoke out changes that were available in each life, could give people a new image of themselves in a single word.

We have to be able to show people what they CAN be, more than they are now.

“I wish you could see you through my eyes. You would see somebody totally different.”

See the goodness, strength, power in others, not limited by where they are right now. Took labels OFF people & put His vision in them.

His name, His glory, His image – we can operate in Him beyond limits & beyond imagination in order to move forward.

Take labels off yourself -- ‘struggler’ -- and become ‘victor’ waiting on the victory.

Labels can’t stay in your heart if He’s there, ie ‘loser,’ ‘average,’ etc. Jesus wants to transform your label to something totally different. Let Him re-label you to who you really are in Christ.

4. John 1: 43 Jesus told Philip ‘Follow Me.’ He was always moving, looking for new people, the ultimate fisher of men.

Do a ‘pattern interrupt.’ Go somewhere new, see new faces, hold new conversations, talk to new people.

Jesus was always on the search for who He could transform.

Not a whole dialogue, just a simple message. Power of brevity. If you understand the power that lies within you, you don’t need a complicated message. It’s not what you say, but how you say it.

God has a plan for every single person to become the person He sees you as. He wants you to move in the power of God this week, take one scripture & start developing how you’re going to employ it in your business.

Which one do you need to connect with most? Focus on one each day & get better at it.

Any one of them could explode your business if you network like Jesus.

If you could create ‘automatic networking’ in your life, then amazing things will happen.

Walk in love, even when people aren’t ready to accept our message. Light will always drown out darkness.

Christian Success Principles – DVD set from Christian Success Institute

Doug Firebaugh

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