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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Fascinating Never-to-be-Forgotten Mentors

The Advantage Conferences Fall Mindset Mentoring Conference - November 9-10 in Dallas Texas, features six of the most incredibly fascinating and Godly
people I've ever had the privilege of meeting. I will give you
an overview of each one over the next few days.

On Saturday Nov 10 at 3:00 PM, we are extremely honored to host the
gentleman who has traveled the world searching for Biblical
artifacts. He's been on all the major networks (although he's
not allowed to discuss his faith in Christ on those shows) due
to his extensive discoveries as a world traveler, scientist, and
the leading authority on the location of Noah's Ark, The Ark of
the Covenant, Mount Sinai (where Moses received the Ten
Commandments in the presence of God - the mountain he's
discovered is burned just as scripture describes, with no other
scientific explanation other than the Biblical account), the
anchors that sank with the boat that the Apostle Paul was on
described in the book of Acts, and many more.

This is one of the most fascinating men you'll ever meet in your
life. Prepare to be amazed and literally mesmerized as he
discusses his journeys in vivid, exciting detail. The filmed
footage and pictures will astound you and you'll walk away with
a totally new, refreshed perspective on the Bible. He will
discuss his ministry/business in detail and explain how he's
funded it, operated it, dealt with never-ceasing obstacles, and
continues to pave the way as an archaeologist/scientist
reviewing the Word from a hands on, scientific and faith-filled

One of our most powerful, millionaire speakers to date, Arch
Bonnema, included in his presentation last Fall the story of one
of the trips he went on in search of Noah's Ark.

Click Here To Watch
The Local News Coverage on that particular find

The gentleman I'm telling you about in this message is the owner
of the business/ministry that guided and organized that particular
journey - one of hundreds of adventurous, and many times
extremely dangerous explorations he's been on over the last

And, imagine, this gentleman is only one of Advantage Conference six Mentors for this particular event.I'll tell you about the other five over the next few days.
What's more, the upcoming Conference is only one of dozens of
mind-boggling experiences you will have with our totally unique,
God-ordained Company, Advantage Conferences.

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